Saturday, March 15, 2025

You Can Run Candidate Jane Dryer But You Can’t Hide

April 5, 2010 by  
Filed under Federal, News, Politics, South Carolina, US

To:  Editorial/Media Outlets

Candidate Jane Dyer has stated that debate is necessary in her funds solicitations.  She stated that she would face me after the qualifications were closed.

However she has not agreed to meet at any open forum or even to take questions from the people gathered or a moderator much less participate in an actual debate.

It was very interesting to learn that she flew a fuel tanker in 1983.  I am sure that as a co-pilot she excelled in taking orders from her superiors just as she appears to be doing now.

I say to the people of district three.  We do not need a person who blindly follows orders without question to lead us.  We need a person who will listen to the people and take the lead to do what is necessary to improve the situations in which we all find ourselves.   We need someone to stand up and shout and fight for us and raise the roof and bring the voices of the third district to Washington, D.C. out loud and right now.  We need someone who will visit every city, town, church and crossroads in the District and talk to the people and learn from them.  Not someone who listens only to the political bosses and the powerful interests that want to control the Congress.

I remember the fateful day of 911, after we heard the news we took one of our ambulances and just drove around downtown Atlanta, hoping that we would not be needed but being ready if we were.

If Candidate Jane Dyer is unable to stand and face me in front of the people how is she going to stand up to a strong candidate from the party who has gotten us into our present situation.

What real experience that is relevant to the problems and needs of THIS DISTRICT is she bringing to the table other than three failing unsuccessful past campaigns and memories of driving a tanker.

While she was taking orders as a co-pilot I was running ambulances services,   and saving the lives of citizens of this district with my own two hands.

I call upon my opponent to stand and deliver, and if she truly has leadership ability and the ability to stand up and debate and to think for herself on her own two feet without out following someone else’s orders or reading someone else’s words let her appear and stand up and demonstrate it to the people from whom she is asking for money and votes.

I am Brian “Ryan B” Doyle and I approved this message.

Who is Brian “Ryan B” Doyle Candidate for US Congress 3rd District of South Carolina

March 30, 2010 by  
Filed under Federal, South Carolina, US, World

We received a very pertinent email question recently.  Francis and Patricia Gorman of Aiken, South Carolina inquired as to whether Brian Doyle is a Conservative, Democrat or a Republican.

Brian Doyle is a registered member of the South Carolina Democratic Party and a registered Democratic Candidate for the South Carolina Third Congressional District.

Labels can be misleading and inaccurate things to apply to any person because the same label may have different meanings to different people.

Brian Doyle is a fiscal conservative.  If supporting the Second Amendment and all of the Bill of rights and Constitution of the United States of America is a conservative thing then Brian Doyle is a conservative.

If providing for the general welfare and the common defense is a Conservative thing then Brian Doyle is a conservative, if it is a progressive thing then Brian Doyle is a progressive.

Brian Doyle embraces all that is honorable and honest in the ideals and aspirations of the Democratic Party and in the hearts and minds of the American People.  However questioning what is wrong with the way any party or its leaders or representatives must be seen and accepted as a patriotic duty and not branded as something else.

Brian Doyle embraces and respects that which is good, sound, honorable, honest and reasonable regardless of if it comes from, Ron Paul, Tea Partiers, Democrats or Republicans.  No one party or group has a patent or exclusive hold on what is true or helpful for our country and our people.

Brian Doyle is a firefighter, a paramedic/nurse, radio personality a father  and a person who is concerned with the well being of our Country, our State, our People, our Children, our Health, our Jobs and our Futures first and a politician second.

Brian Doyle embraces what is good and true and rejects what is false, dishonest and unproductive.

Doyle on June 8 Ballot for US Congress

March 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Federal, News, South Carolina, World

On March 26, 2010 at 11:16 a.m. a new page in South Carolina History was written when I, as a young progressive/conservative African-American candidate for the 3rd Congressional District,   filed and was placed on the June 8, 2010 primary ballot.

This historic event occurred despite the State Democratic Parties executive leaders discrimination and brief that “a black man can’t win.”  The Party leaders purposely misled and lied to me concerning the availability of the voters’ lists and their ability to placing me on the State party web-site for 4 months.  Nevertheless we must push forward to victory!

Picking and choosing a candidate is for the voters and not the State party elites.  Dictatorships must not be allowed or tolerated in this country.  The party elites employed lies to advance their candidate Jane Dyer as the only choice for the people and attempted to not let the people choose by placing only her on the web-site and giving only her the voters’ list to deprive the people of their right to choose the candidate who actually stands a realistic chance to defeat the Republican machine.

I believe we must fight to protect our country and our Constitution and Bill of rights.  We must have real change in our district and country.  Immigration Reform, Education, Health Care and our reformation of Trade Agreements for REAL employment stimulus are a priority for me.

Jane Dyer agreed on March 2, 2010 at 1:53 p.m. in an open letter to me::

Mr. Doyle, Thank you for your letter to Jane Dyer and your request to hold debates in each of the counties of the district. We would like to wait until after the filing period officially ends before we begin scheduling debates and events throughout the district. We look forward to talking with you again after that period.”Best, Jamie Hahn – Jane Dyer for Congress

I hope that Jane Dyer will be a candidate of her word and step up to the plate and participate in debates and question and answer sessions on the issues and not merely attempt to allow the party to pick and choose for the people.   I am asking all concerned civil groups and organizations in our communities and media groups to also step up to the plate and make us, the Democratic candidates, accountable to the people.

I would love to see new leadership in our State Party.  Leadership that will not see color as an issue, but will deliver real change and gain seats for the people of South Carolina.  Something these so called party leaders, mere corrupt political hacks, haven’t done for many years…….  “If it doesn’t work we must fix it now and not later.”

I must take the opportunity at this point to express my sincere respect, admiration and support for Vic Rawl in his heroic efforts to defeat and replace Jim Demint, another incumbent arrogant pompous political hack who has taken FOUR MILLION DOLLARS in PAC (mouthpiece money) and as most of the other incumbents in the Senate and Congress, like Judas, sold out the people for a pocket full of silver.

New Leadership needed in South Carolina and who’s got the Answer?

March 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Federal, Ryan B., South Carolina

By: Brian “Ryan B” Doyle, Candidate for US Congress

What an interesting night!  I attended a very informative meeting of the Democratic 3rd Congressional District in Greenwood, South Carolina at Ryan’s Steak House.  I was allowed to speak and heard the concerns of many during this meeting.

But what shocked me the most about a few in the meeting is that things still haven’t really changed much even in the 21st Century if you know what I mean. You would have had to experience something to understand.

For over two years as a local radio talk show host before syndicating into other market areas.  The Chair of the State Democratic Party, the Aiken County Chair and a member of the McCormick County Party had all talked, been on my radio program, and I extensivelyed pushed and supported the Democratic agenda of many candidates as I was requested.  As an African-American with a large listening base, and being able to move the people to polls and town hall meetings.  I was a “modern day severant” to the party.  But as soon as I attempted to take a lead role or seek office they abandoned  me quickly I see this as modern day slavery.

It’s okay for some to be followers and in their eyes a good little boy or girl, but when you choose to lead oh, “Houston we have a problem”.

I say all this to say, my own chair (Aiken County Chair) made it his business to avoid me the entire night at this meeting.  The same man who came on my radio program several times to use me to push his candidates and agenda as he saw fit  refused to as much as say hello or good luck on your run for U.S. Congress.  And that other Gentleman from McCormick County Party, who sat with me for hours at the McCormick County Democratic Party office to make sure “I got it right about why these were their candidates”  also made it his business to avoid me at the meeting as well.  This demonstrates to me one great thing about some people and shows that things still haven’t change in America.

In the eyes of some as long as we are followers and stay in our place we’re okay but when we get out of place or want to lead we are treated like lepers.

I will always remember the statement at an event I attended some years ago with my dear friend and great civil rights leader someone I honor Dr. Joseph L. Lowery.

“One party (the Republicans) don’t want us, and the other party (the Democrats) just put up with us for our votes, but don’t respect us!”

That was brough home to be as clear as the sky is blue with the State Democratic Party playing games with my candidacy for four months and the behavior of some on Thursday night March 12, 2010.

But one thing I’ve learned, that I want to say to both white and black voters of South Carolina.  “I  don’t take your votes or voices for granted”.  I guess that’s why I don’t fit in with the power structure of the party and I’m not their favorite candidate for the 3rd District seat.  “See there no strings attached to me and surely there will be no puppet show playing”.

It’s one thing to be controled by the people who elect you to serve, but its another to be a puppet with all the strings being pulled by the “power structure” while yhou move around the stage as instructed.  The only show that’s playing in South Carolina for Brian “Ryan B” Doyle is : jobs, health care, education, trade agreements that are taking away our jobs and immigration reform.

Now I want to be clear, I accept full responsibility for my 1999 incident. Where as a result of sharing a phone number and a document and office space with a associate with who was under investigation unknown to me.  But I refused then to be a puppet for the government and make statements about people I wasn’t sure to be a part of his scheme.  And I surely refuse to be a puppet now!

It’s amazing that when certain people face issues in life they are excused, but when others (you can read between the lines and fill in the blanks) some never forget it.

Some great examples that are to be forgotten and never mentioned again are; You worked for your boss, who was a married man at the time to someone else, but you find a way to interfere with his marriage only for him to divorce his wife and marry you his former employee.  Or being accused of contacting the CIA[1] about a businessman who had donated money to the Democratic Party only to search high and low and couldn’t remember anything and it all ended with any controversy and it was all forgotten.   Or to make comments about victims of a Hurricane[2] and apologies and it was forgotten and forgiven.  But don’t be black, oh I’m sorry did I say that it follows you for life.

The State Democratic Party needs new leadership!  Their system of molding and inventing their candidates is over or should be over.  Discrimination should not be tolerated in a party that claims to believe in equal rights for all.  We shouldn’t act like republicans and preach about things we don’t  hold true to.   Less government and values something that they couldn’t hold true to for eight years in Washington nor for 30 days in South Carolina (the governor mess).

It’s time for real change in South Carolina we have a majority house and senate of Republicans who didn’t hold true to their family values when the governor left the State unprotected only to go spend time with his “concubine” in another country, and our Republican brothers and sisters in the House and Senate couldn’t find their family values to really address the issue and show South Carolina and the World that they are true Republicans with true family values and impeach the governor.

Additionally, the same Republican House and Senate doesn’t understand the value of our Children’s future and education here in South Carolina and call for cuts to teaches pay and education funding.  These are the same Republicans that cry about passing debt onto our children while they support and take part in giving trillions of dollars to dishonest bankers.

I’m running to make the South Carolina 3rd District and South Carolina better, not for Democrats or Republicans, but for the people of South Carolina who don’t have a voice in Washington.

We need jobs, better education and reasonable pay for our teachers, police and firefighters.  We need more public safety funding for EMS, Fire and Police and we need jobs for those convicted of felonies  in order to pregfent and reduce crime in our community.

We need to provide our small businesses with taxes breaks and we MUST limit the amount of foreign goods shipped into this country that means changing our trade agreements Mr. President Obama.

That’s why I’m running not to be a part of the “power machine” nor the “power structure” but because I care about South Carolina, our health, futures and retirements, our children’s education and the freedoms our constitution affords us.

Best Regards,

Brian “Ryan B” Doyle,

Candidate for US Congress

3rd Congressional District

[1]; see; “See


Town Hall Meetings in South Carolina 3rd Congressional District

February 28, 2010 by  
Filed under Federal, South Carolina


Date:         March 1, 2010 Monday

Location:  Smith Hazel Center, 400 Kershaw St NE, Aiken, SC

Time:        6:00 P.M. EST

Date:                                                                                               March 4, 2010   Thursday

Location:                                                            Amelia Fish & Chicken, 318-A Augusta Rd, Edgefield SC

Time:                                                                                               6:00 P.M. EST

Date:                                                                     March 8, 2010   Monday

Location:                                                            TBA – McCormick , SC

Time:                                                                    6:00 P.M. EST

Date:                                                                     March 11, 2010 Thursday

Location:                                                            T.W. Boons, 405 Main St., Greenwood, SC

Time:                                                                    6:00 P.M. EST

Topics:                                                                        Jobs, Healthcare, Education, Trade Agreements, Public Safety

  • All other county dates to be announce for town hall meetings.  There will be

a town hall meeting in each county.   Please add announcement to your calendar.

Open Letter to Candidate Dyer 2nd Request to Debate

February 28, 2010 by  
Filed under Federal, South Carolina

February 24, 2010

Jane Dyer

Candidate for US Congress

P.O. Box 1000

Easley, SC 29641

Via US Certified Mail and Email


Open Letter to Candidate Jane Dyer

Dear Candidate Dyer:

I am writing requesting that we hold democratic debates in all ten (10) counties, so that the people’s voices can be heard, concerning the issues that are affecting their families the most.

It is so important that we as democratic candidates act differently than the last fifteen years of representation the people of the 3rd congressional district has received.

Our district has suffered over at least the last ten (10) years, because they didn’t have a voice in Washington.  I am concern that the people must have a voice in Washington and promise to give them one.

Our district has suffered over the last ten (10) years because the people didn’t have a voice in Washington with the republicans who represent them.

Please feel free to contact me at the number listed below.  I would like to start the debates by the 22nd of this month.  I would be more than happy to help find locations to hold them at.

Best Regards,

Brian Doyle for Congress

“Giving the 3rd district a voice in Washington”

Brian “Ryan B” Doyle,

Candidate for US Congress

Ryan B filed Federal Lawsuit against SC Democratic Party

January 29, 2010 by  
Filed under Federal, Politics, World

For Immediate Release

January 26, 2010

Press Office 1-888-208-6739 ext 701

Federal Law Suit against State Democratic Party

This is a sad time for the State of South Carolina and the United States of America.

Our South Carolina State Democratic Party has refused to honor, respect and follow the United States Constitution.

I have been given no choice, but to file this law suit against the Party and others because they continue to sabotage my campaign and refuse to treat me as they treat other candidates and refuse to  follow our federal law.  I am alleging purposeful violation of my rights, purposeful violation of the election laws and the Constitution of the United States and corruption and illegal acts on the part of elected officials.

These so called public servants have become so powerful and so arrogant that they no longer respect or care about the needs and wishes of the people in general and the  African American and working class citizens and their votes in particular.

We must put a end to the misuse and abuse of power by those who we have selected to serve in office and represent us.   We must take control of our politics and our elected representatives.  The needs and voices of the people must be heard. Our children, our jobs, our education, our police and firefighters, small businesses  and our very cherished freedoms must be protected from greedy politicians and powerful interests who sell out our jobs and freedoms to get wealthy at the expense of our children’s futures;.

I ask you all for your votes and your support in my battle to save South Carolina.

Thank you.

Ryan B Calls for Real Change on North & Central American Trade Agreements

January 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Business, Federal, US

January 20, 2010

Contact press office: 1-888-208-6739  ext 701

North & American Central Trade Agreements

South Carolina and many other states can no longer stand for the callous disregard of Washington for the effects that the so called Free Trade Agreements have had on our people.  (“They’re broken and we must fix them”.)

The time has now come for someone to stand-up for American jobs.  I remember the words of President Ronald Reagan to the Soviet Union. “Tear down that wall”.

I am calling on President Obama, “tear up the Free Trade Agreements and start anew.”  Give us something that benefits the people and not big business and big banking.  We have given them too much already.

I will fight to restrict imports into this country by China and Mexico as to the amount of goods allowed in yearly.  This would give American manufacturing jobs a chance of surviving.

We can no longer operate under these broken trade policies.  “When it’s broken, we must fix it.” Neither Congress nor our President wants to address our trade agreements.  But I must demand change before China owns the United States.

I will introduce legislation to slow down and limit the amount of goods allowed into the United States.  We need real change to our Country and our Trade Agreements.

I vote for Brian “Ryan B Doyle” is a vote for the people of South Carolina and America.

Another Sweetheart Deal for GMAC say Ryan B

January 8, 2010 by  
Filed under Business, Federal, US

Another sweetheart deal for GMAC says Ryan B:

Press Release

January 7, 2010


The Obama Administration has refused to consider the requests of small local media and broadcasters for Federal assistance in these times where internet news and large media conglomerates are putting local newspapers and broadcasters out of business.  Local news sources are suffering large revenue losses while the large consolidated media and news services flood us with false and misleading big business propaganda.

Those of us who support honest local newspapers and broadcasters find it hard to accept that the Treasury Secretary gives GMAC another $3 billion dollars of taxpayer money after already having given them  $12.5 billion dollars.  Just more bonuses for rich executives and generations of debt for our children and grandchildren that will not do one bit of good for the people or the economy.  We seem to be headed back down the same track as CTI Corp. followed.  Getting millions of dollars, paying bonuses, not accounting for the money, asking for additional funds and then filing bankruptcy.

The failure to audit and properly supervise the use of trillions of dollars of money that our families will be paying for the next 100 years  for the benefit of  these banks sends shock waves through the minds of Americans and your elected Congressmen and Senators couldn’t care less.

I believe the treasury secretary should step down a once.  We can no longer take care of his friends in the banking industries.  Geithner is surrounded by his friends in the banking industry at expense of all struggling Americans.

I must agree with my great friend and radio colleague Lou Dobbs.  When will this open door to banks and friends of the treasury secretary end?

Our country is about to face the second round of mortgage failures that is just over the horizon.

Mr. President we the people can no longer support the treasury secretary’s behavior and decisions to fund falling banks.  I agree with the few courageous and honest members of Congress.  We must support our honest local media outlets.  This is their time of need.

Ryan B Calls for Immigration Reform Needed Now

January 8, 2010 by  
Filed under Federal, US

January 7, 2010

Immediate Press Release


Immigration Reform Needed Now

The time for immigration reform in Washington is RIGHT NOW!

We cannot permit our borders to remain unprotected from illegals and smugglers and we cannot permit all illegal’s to remain here for free.

Our country is in crisis.   Our immigration system is broken and needs to be fixed immediately.  I will support and introduce strict immigration reform and demand that Congress act and act now!

I believe we can only give those here illegally limited options for obtaining legal residency and a oath towards citizenship.  I will fight to pass legislation that provides the following:

Option 1

Anyone illegally here and has been here less than 10 years must register with INS immediately and leave the country within 120 days to be considered for a re-entry visa and the ability to apply for permanent residency and eventually citizenship  within six months.  (This is a good faith process for coming forth about their status).

Option 2

Anyone illegally here who has been here more than 10 years but less than 20 years must register with INS immediately; prove that they have paid their taxes;  and demonstrate gainful taxpaying employment, ability to read and write English and a clean record to obtain a legal residency and the right to apply for permanent residency and eventual  citizenship.  He/she would be allowed three years to fully pay established penalties or fines and extra taxes in order to be granted the right to remain here.

Option 3

Anyone illegally here and has been here more than 20 years must register with INS immediately.  These persons may be allowed to stay in the United States.  They would be subject to fines and penalties.

All illegal immigrates must be clear and free of all felony criminal charges and drug charges to even be considered for residency.

  • Anyone in the United States less than 10 years must apply for residency and leave within 120 days in order to be considered for prompt re-entry.  Failure to do so will result in loss of the privilege.  Each person must be able to speak and write English on least an 8th grade level.  Except in the most compelling situations of humanitarian urgency illegal persons shall not receive public services, assistance or funding other than basic food and shelter until they are returned to their native lands.

This great country is built on immigration.  With the exception of Native Americans we are all part of an immigrant family.  I do appreciate the contributions that immigrants bring to this Country and I do not want to close the door on honest hardworking decent people who make a contribution to society and are anxious and willing to become honest legal Americans.  We cannot, however, tolerate being flooded by people who do not contribute and come only to take from this country, break our laws, live off of welfare and engage in criminal activities

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