Doyle Expected to Run in 2010 for US Congress South Carolina
Doyle Expected to Run in 2010
“ He is what the 3rd Congressional District Needs”
The 3rd Congressional District has suffered greatly over the past ten (10) years. This District includes the counties of Abbeville, Anderson, Edgefield, Greenwood, Laurens, McCormick and Oconee, Pickens, Saluda and approximately half of Aiken County.
The District is mostly rural. However much of the District’s economy revolves around the manufacturing centers in the Anderson, Aiken and Greenwood areas.
Historically, the District was a Democratic stronghold and Democrats continued to hold most of the local offices well into 1990. The United States Congress seat turned Republican in 1994 and has remained Republican since. Doyle wants to change that.
As a result of the many manufacturing jobs sent overseas and to Mexico, the counties represented in the 3rd Congressional District have experienced a drastic decline in their businesses and incomes. “We must review the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in order to start restoring jobs to South Carolina and go to green jobs. We must have real change that affects everyone, not just a select few”. Doyle said
Doyle believes the 3rd District must move from the minority to the majority. We must improve the status of our children’s education, jobs and businessclimate. We must progress as a district without losing our moral values. By working together we can make that happen in the District’s ten counties said Doyle.
Doyle has yet to decide if he will run as a Democrat or Independent. “I’m a little concerned with a lot of the business of the Democrats in Washington right now,” Doyle said. “However, I understand the 3rd Congressional District must get out of the minority and into the majority and get the peoples’ business in our state done for the betterment of all.” Doyle announced that he has two months to decide and pay his filing fee.
Q: How do you feel about small business opportunity?
A: Small businesses have suffered throughout the state but have been hit hard in the 3rd District. The 3rd Congressional District has the ability to rebound. However, we must lower taxes for the small businesses and offer more tax breaks and I would like to propose some plans and action to help reopen some of our closed plants and restore manufacturing jobs,
Some of these businesses can receive federal assistance to help produce green jobs and our State government can cap out-of-state well connected contractors from getting so much of our business and direct it to locally owned businesses.
I will place this item on the table my first day on the job and will not stop until we review and fix it. This CAFTA and NAFTA have hurt many states including ours. I would like to see small businesses with gross incomes of $3,000,000.00 or be allowed take advantage of a plan that would give them a 40% tax break on the gross salary of all rehabilitated former convicts hired. This could reduce our crime rate by 24.5%, making our communities safer and give the economy a read stimulus.
Q: how do you feel about the bail-out of the private sector?
A: I see much disappointment in the Federal Government’s bail-out of banks and private sector corporations. I believe we must put forward more and stricter regulations over our banking industry as they have been allowed and encouraged allowed to take advantage of us for too long. We need better elected officials watching over the tax payers’ money and voting for the people and not for the powerful big business interests that pay them so well.
I’m against giving away the American taxpayers’ money to offer undeserved and unearned obscenely large bonuses to executives. The government should have never have literally given away our money with no real controls or benefits for the people. Too many people have lost everything due to the greed and non-concern of their so called elected officials.
Q: Will you vote as a Republican or a Democrat?
A: I don’t believe it is about parties anymore. I believe it is about getting the right things done for the people in the 3rd Congressional District and other sections of our state.
I also believe it is about giving our young people a chance to stay home and not have to move away looking for jobs, and it is about giving small business owners an opportunity to hire workers and make a living.
Q: Do you believe there has been much change in Washington?
A: If there has been I have not seen it. I see the same old people telling the same old stories taking the same money from the same big corporations ignoring what the people who elected them want and laughing all the way to the bank. The same old way of doing business must change if the American people are going to have any faith in their government.
Q: How do you feel about Healthcare Reform?
A: I do believe we need some form of reform in this area. However, I do not believe in socialism or government run healthcare. I would like to see a single payer system or an extended state government program similar to the Medicaid plan for the un-insured that will allow those with pre-existing conditions to become insured.
I further believe a federally funded state plan would help the small business owner and the un-insured get the care they need. I don’t support limited options or government run healthcare with our economy and debt today.
Q: How do you propose to fix outsourcing and the Central and North American Free Trade Agreements?
A: Congress and President Obama must first understand this form of business is not working for the American people in providing jobs and isn’t helping the American economy. Therefore, we must pass laws that limit the amount of outsourcing American companies can do and the amount of tax breaks received for outsourcing.
I also feel the United States must limit the amount of goods allowed in from China and other places that use underpaid or virtually slave cheap labor.
We heard so much about this problem during the presidential election and now it has gone away. I will not let it die again and I believe the government should offer loans to manufacturing plants closed by the failure of the congress and the Senate to protect America and allow them to re-open and provide green jobs.
Q: How can we improve thing for our veterans in South Carolina and America?
A: I am very concerned about the veterans and especially those here in South Carolina and I believe we must increase funding for the disabled and put an end to the bureaucratic boondoggles that are only designed to prevent them from obtaining their dearly earned benefits.
I also think there is room for another VA Hospital in our state within the 3rd Congressional District.
This would certainly benefit the veterans and create jobs in South Carolina. I would like to see the facility placed in the Greenwood or Anderson area. This would help those injured returning from the wars.
Q: You talked about true change for all the American people, please explain?
A: I believe millions of Republicans and Democrats were excited about making a change in Washington. However, I just personally do not believe we’ve made that much change.
We must look beyond family members, friends and colleagues in order to bring change to the American people. Just research some of the deals made in South Carolina and observe who is getting contracts and who isn’t. Then look at some of the elected officials family members or close friends.
I believe we cannot build a strong economy when those types of deals limit the jobs and limit how monies flow through the state.
Q: How can we control spending in the Federal Government?
A: I believe we need a hiring freeze on federal jobs until we can gain control over the economy. I know for a fact there are thousands of federal employees who have the time but not the age to retire.
I believe Congress should lower the age for Federal workers allowing them to retire early which could reduce government size and spending by 19.7%.
We can save billions of dollars which we continue to spend wastefully in Washington.
Q: What are your thoughts on the way education is provided in South Carolina and America?
A: First, I believe education begins at home and we must ensure that parents and family members spend quality time understanding the importance of a good education. Secondly, we must employ the most qualified people to teach our children and provide the resources they need to do the job.
It is my feeling that the system must provide access to computers and internet service both at school and home and we must provide funding to those schools in rural communities. I plan to work with South Carolina State Superintendent of Schools to make sure my ten counties are receiving the necessary funding to provide a good education to our children. I would like to see laptops in the hands of all our students in the district from Grades 7 through 12 immediately.
Q: how do you respond to the belief by some that you are too liberal and unfair?
A: It is about the people of the 3rd Congressional District, no about me or my personal wishes. It is about doing the business of the people. I do no believe one should get more or receive more because of who they know.
If feel others should not have to take care of those who are unwilling to better their lives or conditions and I don’t believe in socialism or government control of every aspect of our lives.
Q: How do you feel about gun control?
A: I believe every citizen has the right to bear arms under the 2nd Amendment Rights and those rights must be protected by Congress and I will support and protect them to the fullest.
Q: What is your view on abortions?
A: This is a very sensitive area for me as my faith believes you should not kill. I am personally against abortion but I do not believe in such a deeply personal area that I should be allowed to impose my beliefs on others. I must respect, defend and protect a woman’s right to control her own life. I may argue and lead by example but I do not believe that the government has any place in people’s bedrooms or their personal private lives. By better education and giving better opportunities for mothers to successfully raise their children in a decent environment we can remove the factors which make some women believe that abortion is their only option.
Q: what can be done to improve agricultural conditions in South Carolina?
A: I believe Congress must make more funding available to farmers and especially in South Carolina because of our climate and land mass. We have a great opportunity to move towards an energy saving state. We can produce large amounts of food in our state. But without funding from Congress our farmers will not be able to compete with foreign producers and large federally funded agribusinesses.
These things can only happen by making the right choice for South Carolina in 2010.
“I want to give control of the 3rd Congressional District back to the people of the District. So I’m asking for your help and support in moving our district forward again”. Doyle said
Letter to President Obama from Candidate for Congress
November 30, 2009
Hon. President Barack Obama
President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20006
Fax and Mailed
RE: Suspending Payroll Taxes and Requiring Banks to make Loan to Small Business Owners
Hon. President Obama:
I am writing on behalf of the America people and small business owners across the country in need.
I am a candidate for Congress for the 3rd Congressional District of South Carolina. My district was hit hard due to the North American and Central Trade Agreements. We have lost thousands of jobs and small businesses are closing their doors. I believe it’s now time to review both agreements and make the necessary changes to save the few American jobs we have left in South Carolina, Ohio, Michigan, Mississippi and Pennsylvania.
As a democratic candidate I am asking you Mr. President to order our treasury Secretary, Hon. Timothy F. Geithner to suspend payroll taxes as of Dec 31, 2009 for six months to help Americans and small business owners.
I believe this will help bail-out the real people who are suffering the tax payers. This will help simulate our economy and help our GDP. I know that you have been working hard to fix our financial crisis that you inherited. We need your help and support now more than ever.
I remember my two radio interview with you as an syndicated radio talk show host and you said “we have to get American back on the right track”.
I am also asking the administration to require banks and leading institutions that received government assistance to start lending money to small business owners. I believe it would only be fair to audit and confirm that banks loan or make available at least 25% of the monies they received from the tax payers.
In order to move forward and out of this financial crisis we can no longer allow the banks to use tax payer’s money to provide lavish bonuses nor buy or merge with other failing companies. We must demand real growth into our economy. Banks have failed to earn their bailouts and live up to the expectations of the American people.
I am working hard to bring more jobs and better opportunity to the people of the 3rd congressional district of South Carolina. I believe truly in my heart you want the best for all Americans and not only for large corporations and rich bankers. Now is the time to bail-out the American people and small businesses.
Please help me help the people of South Carolina and Americans. Please suspend payroll taxes for six months and give Americans and small businesses a chance to get back on their feet. God Bless you, your family and the United States of America.
Best Regards,
Brian “Ryan B” Doyle for Congress
Brian Doyle,
Candidate for Congress
3rd Congressional District South Carolina
Breaking News: Fort Hood Shooting
Health Care Reform Town halls gone wild
Screaming constituents, protesters dragged out by the cops, congressmen fearful for their safety — welcome to the new town-hall-style meeting, the once-staid forum that is rapidly turning into a house of horrors for members of Congress.
On the eve of the August recess, members are reporting meetings that have gone terribly awry, marked by angry, sign-carrying mobs and disruptive behavior. In at least one case, a congressman has stopped holding town hall events because the situation has spiraled so far out of control.
“I had felt they would be pointless,” Rep. Tim Bishop (D-N.Y.) told POLITICO, referring to his recent decision to suspend the events in his Long Island district. “There is no point in meeting with my constituents and [to] listen to them and have them listen to you if what is basically an unruly mob prevents you from having an intelligent conversation.”
In Bishop’s case, his decision came on the heels of a June 22 event he held in Setauket, N.Y., in which protesters dominated the meeting by shouting criticisms at the congressman for his positions on energy policy, health care and the bailout of the auto industry.
Within an hour of the disruption, police were called in to escort the 59-year-old Democrat — who has held more than 100 town hall meetings since he was elected in 2002 — to his car safely.
“I have no problem with someone disagreeing with positions I hold,” Bishop said, noting that, for the time being, he was using other platforms to communicate with his constituents. “But I also believe no one is served if you can’t talk through differences.”
Bishop isn’t the only one confronted by boiling anger and rising incivility. At a health care town hall event in Syracuse, N.Y., earlier this month, police were called in to restore order, and at least one heckler was taken away by local police. Close to 100 sign-carrying protesters greeted Rep. Allen Boyd (D-Fla.) at a late June community college small-business development forum in Panama City, Fla. Last week, Danville, Va., anti-tax tea party activists claimed they were “refused an opportunity” to ask Rep. Thomas Perriello (D-Va.) a question at a town hall event and instructed by a plainclothes police officer to leave the property after they attempted to hold up protest signs.
The targets in most cases are House Democrats, who over the past few months have tackled controversial legislation including a $787 billion economic stimulus package, a landmark energy proposal and an overhaul of the nation’s health care system.
Democrats, acknowledging the increasing unruliness of the town-hall-style events, say the hot-button issues they are taking on have a lot to do with it.
“I think it’s just the fact that we are dealing with some of the most important public policy issues in a generation,” said Rep. Bruce Braley (D-Iowa), who was confronted by a protester angry about his position on health care reform at a town hall event several weeks ago.
“I think in general what is going on is we are tackling issues that have been ignored for a long time, and I think that is disruptive to a lot of people,” said Bishop, a four-term congressman. “We are trying, one by one, to deal with a set of issues that can’t be ignored, and I think that’s unsettling to a lot of people.”
Freshman Rep. Dan Maffei (D-N.Y.), whose event at a Syracuse middle school was disrupted, said that he still planned to hold additional town halls but that he was also thinking about other options.
“I think you’ve got to communicate through a variety of different ways. You should do the telephone town hall meetings. You should do the town hall meetings. You should do the smaller group meetings,” said Maffei. “It’s important to do things in a variety of ways, so you don’t have one mode of communication.”
“You’re going to have people of varying views, and in this case, you’ve got the two extremes who were the most vocal,” Maffei said of the flare-up at his July 12 event.
On Tuesday, Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), who handles incumbent retention duties for House Democrats in addition to chairing the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, met with freshman members to discuss their plans for the monthlong August recess. While the specific issue of town hall protesters never came up, according to sources familiar with the meeting, he urged them not to back away from opponents.
“He said, ‘Go on offense. Stay on the offense. It’s really important that your constituents hear directly from you. You shouldn’t let a day go by [that] your constituents don’t hear from you,’” said one House Democratic leadership aide familiar with the meeting.
Some members profess to enjoy the give-and-take of the town halls, even if lately it’s become more take than give.
“Town halls are a favorite part of my job,” said Rep. Russ Carnahan (D-Mo.), a third-term congressman from St. Louis who noted that a “handful” of disruptions had taken place at his meetings. “It’s what I do. It’s what I will continue to do.”
“People have gotten fired up and all that, but I think that’s what makes town halls fun,” said Perriello, a freshman who is among the most vulnerable Democrats in 2010. “I think that most of the time when we get out there, it’s a good chance for people to vent and offer their thoughts. It’s been good.”
“I enjoy it, and people have a chance to speak their mind,” he said.
Both Carnahan and Perriello said they were plunging forward with plans to hold more town hall meetings.
Republicans, with an eye toward 2010, are keeping close track of the climate at Democratic events.
“We’ve seen Russ Carnahan, we’ve seen Tim Bishop, we’ve seen some other people face some very different crowds back home,” said National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (R-Texas). “The days of you having a town hall meeting where maybe 15 or 20 of your friends show up — they’re over. You’ve now got real people who are showing up — and that’s going to be a factor.”
Asked later how or whether the GOP would use the confrontations against Democrats, Sessions responded: “Wait till next year.”
But Democrats are quick to point out they’re not the only ones facing hostile audiences. They single out Rep. Mike Castle (R-Del.), who found himself in a confrontation earlier this month with a “birther” protester, and insist that Republicans face a backlash of their own if it appears the party is too closely aligned with tea party activists or other conservative-oriented protesters.
“It’s a risk that they align themselves with such a small minority in the party,” said Brian Smoot, who served as political director at the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee in the past election cycle. “They risk alienating moderates.”
Steve McNair was drunk when murdered, Sahel Kazemi had marijuana in her system
- Steve McNair
The Tennessean reported on Tuesday that form NFL quarterback Steve McNair’s blood-alcohol level was twice Tennessee’s legal limit for driving when he was murdered by his girlfriend, Sahel Kazemi, 20.
Medical examiner, Dr. Feng Li said McNair’s blood-alcohol level was .16 and Kazemi had traces of marijuana in her system.
Two days prior to the murder-suicide on July 4, in which Kazemi shot McNair and then turned the gun on herself, she was stopped by police for driving under the influence and told them she was high, not drunk. To see video of the DUI stop, click here.
Vernon Forrest’s killer caught on tape
On Thursday, Atlanta police released video from three locations near Saturday night’s robbery and shooting death of boxer Vernon Forrest. Authorities hope that the video will help them find as many as four suspects that were involved in the crime.
Lt. Keith Meadows said, “at least three, and possibly four” individuals were involved. According to Meadows, the video shows a clear image of the suspected robber, but not the man who shot and killed Forrest less than three minutes later. The man who robbed Forrest took his Rolex watch and championship ring.
See Video above picture

Vernon Forrest
A Request for Congress to review NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell’s Powers and Policies
Ryan B, Host of Water Cooler Moment
Syndicated Radio host Ryan B, asks all his listener to contact the House Government Reform Committee and House Judiciary Committee to investigate the unlimited and unfair powers of NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell.
“I don’t understand why or how NFL commissioner Roger Goodell should enjoy unlimited arbitrary unitary executive power with no written rules for players or owners.” said Ryan B.
Goodell can impose any ruling or handle an issue anyway he feels without any appeal. The players might as well be innocent prisoners in Guantanamo subject to torture under the Bush administration remarked Ryan B.
“It reminds me of the good ole days of slavery whatever the slave master said was the law,” said Ryan B. Goodells’ bizarre behavior is reflected by the conditions he has imposed on Michael Vick in order to return to the Slave Master’s Playing Field. The things he requested of Vick are outrageous. It’s as if Goodell still has a slave deed on Vick.
“Michael Vick will have to live his private life the way Master Goodell wants him to live it as if Goodell has a slave deed somewhere that we the ticket holders and buyers don’t know about” says Ryan B. There are no written rules for punishment but only what comes from the mind of Goodell and considering that it does not appear that any similar punishment has ever been inflicted on a Caucasian player this looks like a racist thing to me. Ryan B goes on.
Since April of 2007 Master Goodell surf ruling hand shows that his personal conduct policy has no checks or balances it is what he wants when he wants it. “It scares me it reminds me of the stories my grand mother and great grand mother told of the slave master” said Ryan B.
I would hate to have to say in this case of Michael Vick it seems like to me Mr. Goodell has removed his suit in exchange for the white suit and let’s not forget that white hat of course with that fully being my personal opinion.
There are no guidelines that state exactly what punishment a specific violation will bring. That gives Master Goodell an excessive amount of leeway. Remember back in the day in the fields? Goodell also hears every appeal made by the suspended party rather than an arbitrator in what would be a much fairer process.
So I will be asking the House Government Reform Committee and the House Judiciary Committee to take a close look at self ruling NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Powers over team unions, player and owners. I’m asking all my listeners and readers to do the same call there congress person and contact the House Government Reform Committee and Judiciary Committee to put an end to modern day slavery of all players of any race.
We have enough czars making our decisions for us and taking away what should be individual rights and ability to contract. He is as bad as Ben Benecki. Give away trillions of dollars and refuse to tell us about it.
Give anyone unlimited and unchecked power and it will be abused. The whole system of checks and balancers that used to protect citizens has vanished and this is just another symptom of it.
“Did we all forget that Michael Vick served jail time for his crime and was punished I don’t remember anyone being punished for slavery or being a slave master or for stealing trillions of dollars and giving it away to their buddies… I guess some people would like to see him down in a line asking for food stamps and a check.
If the man is good enough to play ball and people are willing to pay to see him and a team is willing to pay him to play whose business is it what he does with his money and who lives with him as long as he obeys the law?
“I don’t think Martha Stewart nor Rush Limbaugh had to wait any specific amount of time or be place under a slave deed for their transgressions which were in reality more serious than Vicks. But then they are of the privileged caste.
I haven’t figure out those people who believe dogs are more important than human beings. We are giving the homeless one way tickets to other cities. Who do we put in jail for all those who sleep under trees or bridges and don’t have a place to live because crooked bankers and politicians have stolen the country?
Let’s give the NFL back to the people the players and the teams. Let’s give the country and the money back to the people. Write to your congress people and senators. If they don’t want to do what is right for the people and the Country lets get rid of all of them. And lets and start with Goodell.
Federal Deficit Tops $1 Trillion For First Time
AP, July 13, 2009 · Nine months into the fiscal year, the federal deficit has topped $1 trillion for the first time.
The imbalance is intensifying fears about higher interest rates and inflation, and already pressuring the value of the dollar. There’s also concern about trying to reverse the deficit — by reducing government spending or raising taxes — in the midst of a harsh recession.
The Treasury Department said Monday that the deficit in June totaled $94.3 billion, pushing the total since the budget year started in October to nearly $1.1 trillion.
The deficit has been propelled by the huge sum the government has spent to combat the recession and financial crisis, combined with a sharp decline in tax revenues. Paying for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan also is a major factor.
The country’s soaring deficits are making Chinese and other foreign buyers of U.S. debt nervous, which could make them reluctant lenders down the road. It could force the Treasury Department to pay higher interest rates to make U.S. debt attractive longer-term.
“These are mind-boggling numbers,” said Sung Won Sohn, an economist at the Smith School of Business at California State University. “Our foreign investors from China and elsewhere are starting to have concerns about not only the value of the dollar but how safe their investments will be in the long run.”
Government spending is on the rise to address the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression and an unemployment rate that has climbed to 9.5 percent.
Congress already approved a $700 billion financial bailout and a $787 billion economic stimulus package to try and jump-start a recovery, and there is growing talk among some Obama administration officials that a second round of stimulus may be necessary.
This has many Republicans and deficit hawks worried that the U.S. could be setting itself up for more financial pain down the road if interest rates and inflation surge. They also are raising alarms about additional spending the administration is proposing, including its plan to reform health care.
President Obama and other administration officials, including Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, have said the U.S. is committed to bringing down the deficits once the country has emerged from the current recession and financial crisis.
Illinois meat firm recalling beef on e.coli threat
Mon Jul 13, 2009 11:39am EDT
CHICAGO (Reuters) – Illinois-based meat company E.S. Miller Packing Co was recalling about 219 lbs of ground beef products amid concerns it could be contaminated with E.coli 0157:H7 bacteria, USDA said in statement on Monday.
No illnesses have been reported related to the recalled beef, which was distributed to consumers and several local restaurants in north central and northeast Illinois.
(Reporting by Bob Burgdorfer; Editing by Walter Bagley)
Madoff enroute to federal prison: U.S. official say
Mon Jul 13, 2009 4:26pm EDT
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Admitted thief Bernard Madoff was moved from his New York jail cell on Monday and was en route to federal prison, a U.S. prison official said.
Disgraced financier Madoff, who has spent the last four months in jail after pleading guilty to a worldwide fraud of as much as $65 billion, was sentenced to 150 years imprisonment by a judge on June 29.
“He is in transit to another facility,” said Scott Sussman, a spokesman for the Manhattan Correctional Center next door to the courthouse where Madoff confessed to his crimes in front of defrauded investors.
Sussman declined to provide further details, citing Federal Bureau of Prisons policy not to disclose the location of a prison until the convict had arrived.
Madoff’s lawyer had asked that his client be incarcerated at the Federal Correctional Institution in Otisville, New York, a medium-security prison about 70 miles northwest of New York City, but the final decision is made by the prisons bureau.
CNBC TV reported on Monday that Madoff was being transferred to a prison in Butner, North Carolina. A spokeswoman at Butner was not available for comment. (Reporting by Grant McCool; Editing Bernard Orr)