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Candidate Gregory Brown response to Rep Jim Clyburn

June 1, 2010 by  
Filed under Federal, Politics, World

Elected Office is a Privilege, not an Entitlement

May 31, 2010

On, Memorial Day, a day when Americans celebrate and honor the service and sacrifice of those who have given of their time, their person, their families, and their lives to serve, protect and defend this great country of ours.  But sadly, on this Memorial day, I, a service disabled veteran and a candidate for the 6th Congressional, find it deeply reprehensible that an elected official believes that because of a position he holds in Congress he is untouchable or should go unchallenged for a political seat to which the PEOPLE have elected him.

In a story that appeared in the Aiken Standard on Sunday, May 30, 2010, the present Congressman of the 6th Congressional District was quoted as saying:  “No real Democrat would ever challenge the speaker or the leader or the whip in a primary,” Clyburn said in a recent interview. “Democrats don’t do that.”

How arrogant and elitist of any politician to even think, suggest, or have the poor taste to even utter the thought that he is deserving to perpetually continue to hold the PEOPLE’s seat without ever being taken to task for his performance, or lack thereof, in public office.  It is quite incredulous and offensive for someone in Mr. Clyburn position to have the unmitigated gall to believe that he is entitled to remain in office because of his position.

Last I heard, America is a nation founded and built upon democratic principles…. government of the people by the people and for the people; not an aristocracy.  Apparently, Mr. Clyburn has forgotten this simple civics lesson.  I, however, along with the legions of other veterans have not.  That’s why we gave of ourselves to defend this country, so politicians like Mr. Clyburn could regularly stand for election by the people for the honor and privilege of being their representative in their government.

Mr. Clyburn’s comment that “No real Democrat would ever challenge the speaker or the leader or the whip in a primary…. Democrats don’t do that” is reminiscent of comments made by the old guard party bosses of the South who struggled to maintain the status quo of oppression and segregation.  Change, for the better of the PEOPLE, has always come about in America by challenging those we elect to represent us to do better than they have done in looking after the needs of the PEOPLE.  What Democrats don’t do…  no excuse me…what Americans don’t do and should never do is to sit idly by as our elected officials seek to have their names immortalized on every public building or structure they can while those in their congressional districts are hurting economically and financially.

What Americans don’t do and should never do is to turn a deaf ear and blind eye to elected officials who vote to give themselves a raise or take more than one million dollars from the education funds to build a driving range with a life size bronzed statue of their self while teachers are being laid off. What Americans don’t do and should never do is to allow politicians to use defense fund to fund a driving in their name while our military family are fighting and dying at war.  What Americans don’t do and should never do is to turn a deaf ear and blind eye to the horrendous conditions of the schools in their congressional districts while their elected officials use their position to get their children and cronies appointed to the best positions possible.

What Americans, and if I must say, Democrats don’t do and should never do is to allow career politicians to be re-elected because they believe they have reached some privileged status that make them untouchable and not subject to challenge. Furthermore, what Americans shouldn’t do is to allow career politicians to divert attention from the real issues by in sighting racial and now internal party division. We need the type of leadership that can unite and move us forward as one people and one America.

The Aiken Standard article also reports that Mr. Clyburn said “he doubts the motives of the businessman running against him.” I am not surprised that the 6th District’s present Congressional representative would question the “motive” of anyone exercising their right to run as a candidate for office in this State.  That seems to be the order of the day for many career politicians.

So that Mr. Clyburn, and most importantly the citizens of the 6th Congressional District, will have no doubt as to what my “motives” are for running for the PEOPLE’s Congressional seat, not Mr. Clyburn’s, please consider the following;  As a service disabled veteran I am running for Congress because I have seen the plight of the public schools and educational system in the 6th District and I know that I can help bring about the change the District has needed over the past 18 years.  As a service disabled veteran, I am running for Congress because the last 18 years has not produced the kind, quality, and quantity of jobs that should have come pouring into this District under the “speaker or leader or the whip”.  As a service disabled veteran, I am running for Congress to ensure that the least among us have access to healthcare options that are reliable, realistic, and fiscally responsible.  As a service disabled veteran, I am running for Congress because I live and work in this District and I am painfully aware that under the present leadership the District has not even begun to realize its potential, instead we have a “corridor of shame.” As a service disabled veteran, I am running for Congress so that my son and his children and his children’s children can all enjoy a safer, more secure, and prosperous America that I and hundreds of thousands of other service men and women have defended.

Those are my “motives” for running. If this is a disappointment to those who question my “motives” for running for the honor and privilege of representing the PEOPLE of the 6th Congressional District, then to that I say a resounding AMEN!!!

And when Election Day rolls around on June 8, I hope Democrats in the Sixth District will not be silent. I hope they pour into the polls and express their opinions about their leaders. It is their right. May we never take it lightly. Moreover, may we never make entitlement our system of government.

Gregory Brown Campaign.