Saturday, March 15, 2025

Ryan B Calls for Real Change on North & Central American Trade Agreements

January 20, 2010 by  
Filed under Business, Federal, US

January 20, 2010

Contact press office: 1-888-208-6739  ext 701

North & American Central Trade Agreements

South Carolina and many other states can no longer stand for the callous disregard of Washington for the effects that the so called Free Trade Agreements have had on our people.  (“They’re broken and we must fix them”.)

The time has now come for someone to stand-up for American jobs.  I remember the words of President Ronald Reagan to the Soviet Union. “Tear down that wall”.

I am calling on President Obama, “tear up the Free Trade Agreements and start anew.”  Give us something that benefits the people and not big business and big banking.  We have given them too much already.

I will fight to restrict imports into this country by China and Mexico as to the amount of goods allowed in yearly.  This would give American manufacturing jobs a chance of surviving.

We can no longer operate under these broken trade policies.  “When it’s broken, we must fix it.” Neither Congress nor our President wants to address our trade agreements.  But I must demand change before China owns the United States.

I will introduce legislation to slow down and limit the amount of goods allowed into the United States.  We need real change to our Country and our Trade Agreements.

I vote for Brian “Ryan B Doyle” is a vote for the people of South Carolina and America.