Saturday, March 15, 2025

Rep. Joe Sestak & Candidate Doyle both Understand the Establishment

May 28, 2010 by  
Filed under Federal, News, Politics, US

Doyle and Rep. Joe Sestak Understand the Establishment

We don’t want you in the race we want Jane Dryer.  I remember those words as clear as if it was yesterday.

Today U.S. Congressman Joe Sestak (D) PA, said something that made my ears ring.  He talked about the deal offered to him by the White House Chief of Staff.

What touches me the most is what our party is trying to do, to honest non-political machine candidates that are not puppets or mindless mouth pieces for the establishment.

Rep. Joe Sestak, said “I was confident that the Democratic Party establishment didn’t want me in the race.”  Well, well I remember that all too well.  When the party bosses  falsely  told me that I couldn’t run and that they considered me to be disqualified.

Rep. Joe Sestak, said  “the call lasted 30 – 60 seconds”  The email I received from Jay Parmley, Executive Director of the SC Democratic Party which is also a part of the court record.  Could have lasted a life time…. That’s why I sued and then the Democratic Party said “we made a mistake.”   It was no mistake they knew just what they were doing.

The Democratic party would rather have a old republican hack part of the inside the beltway political machine club in the Senate for their people than a bright new honest person who is actually concerned about the people.  We can no longer have people serving us in Washington  DC who are owned by the bosses and the corporation and the bank.

The South Carolina Democratic Party bosses and many of county parities have protected Jane Dryer from debate.  Although she promised to debate after the filing Jane is still missing in action.   The party bosses want a mouth piece and not a leader serving in Washington.  “We must change our state leadership in Columbia starting with our President and Executive Director”.  It’s not personal it’s just Democratic business.  Lets get the our party back to what its supposed to be instead of it being just another controlled part of the corporate and banking controlled machine.

Our local media and civic groups have also allowed Jane Dryer to avoid showing her face to the people.  I have been in 8 town hall meeting and three debates (2) tea party and Farm bureau debate with all the Republican candidates, but no Jane Dryer.  If we want change.  If we want concerned dedicated servants of the people in Washington and not party robots  the people of South Carolina’s 3rd Congressional District must allow their voices  to be heard.

Do you want a candidate that will serve the party bosses and their corporate and banking financers or do you want a candidate that will serve you.  The choice is clear.  The old style and the old way has failed us to the point where we can no longer trust the old guard.  Say no to business as usual.  Its time for a change.

I am Brian “Ryan B” Doyle and I approved this message.